Local News: Four Leaf Clover Run In Akron To Raise Funds To Fight Cancer, Support Patients
We were proud to partner with Project Ed Bear for the sixth annual Four Leaf Clover Run/Walk and Family Fun Run. The event also received local media attention and was the subject of a news article in The Akron Beacon Journal, written by Betty Lin-Fisher. Below is an excerpt from “Four Leaf Clover Run In Akron To Raise Funds To Fight Cancer, Support Patients:”
The 6th Annual Four Leaf Clover Run/Walk will take place 10 a.m. Saturday, June 11, 2022 in Akron. Charity partners of the run include Project Ed Bear – a local volunteer organization that provides comforting needs to oncology patients at Akron Children’s Hospital, and the Stephen A. Comunale Jr. Family Cancer Foundation, which provides Akron-area families and individuals with financial assistance for day-to-day needs.